Miami DUI Lawyer
Seven things your Miami DUI Lawyer
Check your surroundings and slowly pull over to the right side of the road. Keep your turn signal on to indicate to the officer that you intend to stop. Shut down the engine and if it is dark out, turn on the interior light and keep your hands on the steering wheel. Stay in the car unless the officer asks you to get out. This position is the least likely to raise concerns.
Be honest and avoid any actions that suggest that you are trying to hide, destroy or dispose of something.
For example, if an officer sees you lean forward, the police may think that you have hidden an object under the front seat.
Listen more than talk. Follow the instructions correctly. The officer is in charge of the situation, and it’s not over until the officer tells you that you can drive off. Just answer the question, don’t volunteer unnecessary information and don’t argue. Also, tell your passengers to follow the same rules.
Nowadays, many police cars have equipment that visually records traffic stops. Even without the video, the police officer will be watching your behavior for the police report. Don’t act strangely or furtively.
Police officers routinely ask this question, and if you are like most people who have been drinking, you may say, “just a beer or two with dinner” or some other underestimation about how much you drank.
The best answer to the question “How much did you drink?” It’s that you cannot determine how much you had to drink. It’s also important to remember that you have the right to remain silent to not incriminate yourself. Be advised that your “underestimations” can be used against you during a trial.
Think carefully about refusing to take a blood-alcohol content (BAC) test. In Florida, the law affirms that if you have a drivers license, you automatically accept to be tested by the police if under suspicion of driving intoxicated. However, a refusal to do so will have serious consequences due to Florida’s implied consent laws.
In Addition to the standard penalties for DUI, a BAC test refusal in Florida may also involve:
Mandatory License Suspension
Charges of Criminal Misdemeanor
If for some reason you have right to doubt that the person who pulled you over is a police officer, ask to talk to a supervisor or say that you will follow the police officer to the police station.
Click here to learn more about Field Sobriety test laws in Florida