Drunk driving auto accidents account for over 31% of all crashes on the road. With complete disregard for their own safety, the safety of innocent pedestrians and other motorists, countless Americans decide it’s worth the risk by getting behind the wheel while legally impaired. It’s apparent it’s happening far more often than it ever should. On average, approximately 30 people parish every single day in alcohol-relate automobile accidents. That’s about one death every 51 minutes on average. Numbers don’t lie, so anyone can see we’ve got a major situation on our hands which needs our immediate attention.


What If Alcohol Didn’t Exist?


  • 10,000 lives would be spared each year. That’s over 31% of all automobile accidents.
  • 239 children that had died in 2012 while riding in the vehicle of an intoxicated driver would still be alive today.
  • We will remove another 18% of yearly motor-vehicle deaths that are caused by drugs such as marijuana and cocaine mixed with alcohol
  • Approximately 30-years are taken off of the lives of those who consume alcohol in excess due to alcohol-related diseases. You’d get to keep those…


If these aren’t excellent reasons to cut back, or even quit drinking altogether, I’m not sure what are. However, in all reality alcohol consumption will undoubtedly be something that’ll always exists in our culture. It’s when you operate your vehicle impaired that it becomes a problem, so always use wise judgement when it comes to the matter of drinking and driving.


Alcohol Consumption & Pregnancy


Adverse effects associated with alcohol consumption by a pregnant woman cause drastic complications and defects to the fetus. If you’re pregnant, or think you may be pregnant, you should immediately refrain from all alcohol consumption, as no study has shown drinking during pregnancy to be safe. If you continue, your unborn child stands the risk of developing FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) which has been recognized as the most preventable condition correlating with developmental and neurobehavioral abnormalities. Women who continue drinking throughout their pregnancy put themselves at higher risk of bringing a baby suffering from FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorders) into the world. If you’re attempting to conceive a child it’s wise to quit dinking alcohol weeks, or even months before becoming pregnant. Any lingering toxicity in your system could potentially create a slew of terrible conditions for your precious little bundle of joy.



According to a study conducted by CDC – ‘CDC analyzed data for women aged 18–44 years from the 2002 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey. The results of that analysis indicated that approximately 10% of pregnant women used alcohol, and approximately 2% engaged in binge drinking or frequent use of alcohol. The results further indicated that more than half of women who did not use birth control (and therefore might become pregnant) reported alcohol use and 12.4% reported binge drinking. Women who are pregnant or who might become pregnant should abstain from alcohol use.’

This guest post was written by Curtis Boyd for the Law Office Ramon de la Cabada P.A.

(Tags: #alcohol #alcoholabuse #drunkdriving #intoxicated #fas #fasd #sobriety #dui #ovi #drunkdrivingarrests #drunkdrivingstatistics)